Prepare for Your Technical Future with Dr. Richard Hamming

Prepare for Your Technical Future with Dr. Richard Hamming

Prepare for Your Technical Future with Dr. Richard Hamming 549 526 Eric Roulo

hammin_102743951sm“FEA is for insight, not numbers” was the quote on the inside cover of the student guide for I-DEAS. I found out 15 years later that it was a misquote from Dr. Hamming, but that research led me to one of the great finds of my professional development. Learning to Learn is a 31 part lecture series that outlines the lessons learned from a giant in the field of science and engineering. Watch the first episode and be captivated.

The binder of Hamming’s notes contained the following, which eventually was published as a book.

The Art of Doing Science and Engineering and the ebook is located here.

The videos can be viewed on RCI’s youtube channel in a special playlist here.

“The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.” -Richard Hamming
